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Thursday, October 02, 2008

It's a Meme (that sounds weird)

Becky has tagged me. I don't do these things often so it's kind of neat to answer the questions. I try to be fun like that...right, Bec?

1. Five names you go by:
Aunt Wannie
James-Wanda (get it?)

2. Three things you are wearing right now:
black shirt

3. Three things you want very badly at the moment:
to be out of debt
to own our own house
to weigh less

4. Three things you did last night:
made a fabric garland
read four chapters in a really good book

5. Three things you ate today.
scrambled eggs
chicken taco
slice of cheese

6. Three people you talk on the phone with?
My mom, Wanda
My sister, Angela
My college roommate, Libby

7. Three things you are going to do tomorrow?
mop the kitchen floor
play outside with my kids
go to the gym

8. Two longest car rides:
Georgia to Missouri
Georgia to Mississippi

9. Three of your favorite beverages
Diet Coke
Smirnoff Ice
Lynchburg Lemonade

10. What did you watch on TV tonight?
VP debate
some of the Phillies and Brewers baseball game
Fox News

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