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Saturday, October 18, 2008

BOOK: Whiter than Snow

Remember when I mentioned that my husband is a book nerd? Well, I'm so glad he is. We have similar tastes in what we like to read so it's very normal for me to pick up a book from his night stand or book rack to see what he is reading, just read, or is gonna read soon. Last night, I opened the book, Whiter Than Snow, by Paul David Tripp. Wow. Wow. Wow. Can I just share a little of what I read and why I'm gonna savor every word written within?

I wish I would live with You in view;
Eyes to Your glory
Ears for Your wisdom
Heart for Your grace.
But I live with me in view.
Eyes to my kingdom
Ears for my opinion
Heart captured by my will.
I know I was made for You,
I know that Hope
My agenda for everyday,
Is to be found in You.
But I want my own kingdom
I love my own glory
I define my own meaning
I delight in my control.
There's a war that never ends;
The battleground is my heart.
It's a moral skirmish
Between what you have ordained
And what I want.
So I don't find pleasure in Your glory,
I don't delight in Your law.
But my heart doesn't rest,
I know there's a better way.
I know you are God
And I am not.
My sin is more than
Bad behavior
A bad choice
Wrong words.
My sin is a violation of the relationship
That I was meant to have with You.
My sin is an act
Where I replace You
With something I love more.
Every wrong thing I do
A lack of love for You,
A love of self.
Help me
To see
To acknowledge
To weep
And say,
"Against You, You only have I sinned
And done what is evil in Your sight."
And then help me to rest
In Your mercy
In Your great compassion
In Your unfailing love,
Even as the war goes on.

For you will not delight in sacrifice, or I would give it;
you will not be pleased with a burnt offering.

Psalm 51:16

It reminds me a little of the puritan prayers in the book The Valley Of Vision, except written in our everyday language. The poems in the book capture the depravity of my heart and are good reminders of how desperately I need a Savior. So glad there is one...Jesus. I am his and He is mine. To God be the glory.


~Mad said...


This will find it's way ito my journal.

Thanks for that.
~Mad said...

Incredible! I just printed this poem to hang on my fridge. So very cool and very, very true of me. Thank you posting this. God is pointing me back to Him.