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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Artsy baby

Looks like we have birthed another art lover (or could it be she's just a product of her environment?). At least she's not eating the crayons in this picture. "No eat, Abble. Yucky, yucky!". "Abble" is our nickname for her since the boys have a hard time saying all three syllables quickly.

Seriously, Abigail enjoys standing in a chair at the kitchen table and coloring on any piece of paper on which she can see her strokes.


Mrs. Pie said...

WOW, I cannot believe how big she's gotten! I didn't know you had a blog. I will commence stalking it immediately.

Anyway, Abigail looks JUST like Andrew. I saw the picture at the top and thought it was strange that you put a bow in Andrew's hair. :)

Hope y'all are doing well.

Anonymous said...

I love how focused she is.

Melissa said...

I could eat her up!

Laura said...

She is so beautiful, Jawan!