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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Gami came to visit

My mother, also known as GAMI, arrived this past weekend to join us in celebrating my 34th birthday. My children absolutely love Gami. They stood anxiously at the front window, waiting for her car to come around the corner. Too bad that most of us were asleep when she did arrive that afternoon! Sorry, Mom.

Gami played with the kids outside.

Gami helped me bake cookies for our fall festival.

Gami posed with the boys.

Mom also had a wreck on the way back to her house Sunday morning. I thank the Lord that she wasn't hurt. No more staying up til 4am to chit-chat, Mom! Thank you for coming up and spending time with us. We are excited about seeing you in a few weeks over Thanksgiving. What can I cook this year?

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