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Thursday, November 13, 2008

Delete those emails!

Wanna know how to get your email inbox to zero everyday? Click here to read tips and suggestions from Matt Perman. I soooooo need his advice about this. I'm not even gonna tell you how many emails....ok, I will....are you ready? I have 1627 emails in my inbox right now. My earliest email is dated February 10, 2003. Isn't that horrible? I KNOW how to better organize my inbox but I just forget to make those stinkin' folders and such.

What about your inbox? How does it look? Do you fail to delete on a regular basis? Do you create folders for organization?


BKicklighter said...

Ya know how we aren't supposed to use someone else's position to make us feel better? Heck with that! I have 181 in my inbox and felt like a loser. I will now rest.

amy said...

33 in my inbox--I am a little systematic about it. I leave emails in there if they need to be responded to, pertain information about upcoming events, or concern things in the near future. Anything else gets deleted or sorted into folders. I delete items from it daily. I had to develop a system when I started homeschooling, and the homeschool community started sending me 20+ emails a day...

Libby said...

Goodness Jawan, who knew you received so many emails....I have 2 email accounts and the first has 5 emails and the other has 8. I, like Amy, keep things in my inbox that needs to be reponded to or I need to be reminded of...such as the girls' softball or school stuff, meetings, room mom stuff, etc. The first email I use mainly when I order from the internet. It has emails letting me know of order confirmations and shipping information. I also put stuff into folders and delete like crazy. I try my hardest to get down to 0 as often and as quickly as possible.

The Zevacs said...

jawan....i will make you feel better. i too have way too many e-mails in my inbox....they date back to feb. 2004. deleting has actually been on my to-do list for a few weeks now.

beck'sthree said...

I will make you feel better. My yahoo email account currently contains 4467 UNREAD messages in my inbox. So, what did I do? Got a new email account. Actually, I have three now: one that I use for nothing but commercial stuff (anything I have to put an email address for but don't really want the emails.), one that is mostly for listserves (freecycle, my alumni class, etc.), and one that is for actual correspondence and messages that I care about. And, yeah for that one I use folders only for important stuff like ebay and paypal. It's a gmail account, so it pretty much organizes itself. That's my top recommendation: USE GMAIL!