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Friday, May 02, 2008

Nest investigation + new book

Every spring, we find one or two nests around our house, in the yard, in a tree, and sometimes on our front door. We've been keeping our distance from the pictured nest for the past two weeks as it sat in a large bush outside our dining room window. The boys would spot the mother bird flying back and forth with food and they thought it was neat that she got so close to us as we [only] used our eyes to investigate her babies. We have noticed that there is no more life or sounds coming from this nest and felt it had been abandoned. We removed the nest from the bush today to look at all the items the mother bird used to form this "home". Do you see the straw wrapper? We also found some strings, dryer lint, and random colored fabric pieces.

I received the book, The Creative Family, today. I ordered it on Amazon but there were a few used copies for sale on Ebay. What a book! Amazing! I have already flipped through it and fallen in love with the author's (Amanda) ideas and activities. Amanda Soule also maintains a blog that I am addicted to. She takes pictures of her kids making and enjoying her published activities and writes words that make you feel like you're in her home at the dinner table, kneading the bread with her. You can check her out here.

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