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Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Four a friend.....ewe know hoo ewe are.

HOMOPHONES video by Veggie Tales.
It wouldn't post the video directly to my blog so I'm sending you to the URL.

Whether, whether, whether, whether
Whether you like it or not
Weather, weather, weather, weather
Weather is cold, warm and hot.

Two, two, two, two
Two of my favorite toys
I'm bringing to, to, to, to
A place the first one enjoys…
and I like it, too!

Homophones! Homophones!
Where the crews come cruising down the plane!
Homophones! Homophones!
I need my kneaded biscuits plain!

I know a pear, pear, pear, pear
With a pair of really soft shoes.
He wears them to pare, pare, pare, pare
Bushes that easily bruise.

I planted rows, rows, rows, rows
of a horribly bad smelling rose
Now no one knows, knows, knows, knows
If the scent will be leaving my nose!
But most likely no.

Homophones! Homophones!
Where the toads are towed out on the plane!
Homophones! Homophones!
I need my kneaded biscuits plain!

Whether, whether, whether, whether,
Whether you like it or not
Weather, weather, weather, weather
Weather is cold, warm and hot.

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