Although O Heart Bereaved and Lonely is a bit sad, it reminds me of the faithfulness of our Lord. It's my favorite song on the CD and that's a HUGE statement 'cause the CD is amazing. But, the song reminds me to pray for those in my life that are hurting, waiting, and mourning. I pray for my friend who has suffered miscarriages and struggles with infertility. It causes me to pray for my friend who is waiting for her house to sell so her family can make a new step in their journey. Another friend is brought to mind as I think of how she misses her mother more and more, year after year. A couple in our church is pregnant with their first child and are in need of a BETTER job with more hours and security....he's been looking for a LONG time. I think of my many friends who have recently moved away to unfamiliar places and how they long for fellowship with community. My friend's Daddy just passed away....she is aching.
This song exposes my sin but makes reminds me of my desperate need of Jesus who took all the dirt away. This song makes me cry because I can rejoice in His goodness. My favorite part of the hymn is the last three lines in the last verse:
Trust on, whate'er befall
Remember, O remember,
Thy Savior knows it all.
Remember, O remember,
Thy Savior knows it all.
You can go here to hear a clip of the song as well as all the other tracks on the CD.
O Heart Bereaved and Lonely
O heart bereaved and lonely,
Whose brightest dreams have fled
Whose hopes like summer roses,
Are withered crushed and dead
Though link by link be broken,
And tears unseen may fall Look up amid thy sorrow,
To Him who knows it all
O cling to thy Redeemer,
Thy Savior, Brother, Friend
Believe and trust His promise,
To keep you till the end
O watch and wait with patience,
And question all you will
His arms of love and mercy,
Are round about thee still
Look up, the clouds are breaking,
The storm will soon be o'er
And thou shall reach the haven,
Where sorrows are no more
Look up, be not discouraged;
Trust on, whate'er befall
Remember, O remember,
Thy Savior knows it all
Such a wonderful hymn to share! It is not too sad, because so many of us are hurting because of this crazy, fallen world we live in. Thanks for sharing!
Kim Carolan
hey jawan....you reminded me of how much i want to get this album. i've been meaning to get it! thanks!
this is a GREAT song.
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