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Monday, July 14, 2008

Feeding time

I think it still amazes me that Abigail understands what I say and sign. Abigail was sitting in her booster seat yesterday, eating her fruity snack of bananas, pears, oranges and peaches, when I handed her one of her dolls. She made eye contact with me so I signed "baby eat", saying it out loud as I signed and then pointing to her doll. She picked up a piece of her fruit and slowly put it into the doll's mouth. She thought it was so funny that she kept doing it over and over again, fruit being squished all over the doll's face. A messy, but fun moment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Jawan,
It's been a while since I have seen or chatted with you. Do you mind updating me on Abigail?