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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A La Carte: ART

I have been teaching art to the students at my children's school going on four years (with a small maternity break somewhere in there). Sometimes ideas for this class come quickly, with ease. Other times, I'm pushing it to the limit to come up with a project that is educational, fun, and simple to prepare. So, I thought I'd share a few links to show you where I get most of my ideas. Yeah, I know I'm a copycat.....but, in this case, I've got no shame in that!

Art Projects for Kids
Art teacher, Kathy, from California, shares many ideas and pictures of various art projects she's completed with her students. I love this site so much that most of my lessons from last year came from Kathy's brain.

Oodles of Art
Projects and art lessons taught by elementary art teacher, Katie.

David Lubin Arts Program

A blog about the artistic adventure of the students of David Lubin Elementary School.

The Ramblings of a Crazy Woman
A great resource for alphabet/letter crafts, geared toward preschoolers.

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