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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I want to hug the code writer

I confess.....I'm not in the Word as much as I'd like to be. I could give you excuse after excuse but they'd only be....well...excuses. I realize I can't dedicate the amount of time to Bible study as I did while in college (gosh, that was 16 years ago) and I know that there's no reason to feel guilty for that. But, I do miss that intimacy with the Father I once had.

Now, my life looks different since I'm no longer single with much time to myself. I'm now married and a mother to three. Life is good, life is precious, life is sweet (thank you, Wes King)....but life is just divided into many different directions for me right now (I am envisioning many friends nodding their heads in agreement). I love my life and am so very thankful for it...but, honestly, I envy the intimacy I once had with the Father. Seriously, I feel no condemnation or anger from our good and loving Lord in regards to my lack of time spent with him....but I crave His Word, I hunger for his wisdom, and I miss knowing him more.

Wait, let me be clear. I do KNOW him in ways I've never known him before. I am married to a sinner who is married to a sinner, so my prayers are somewhat different than they were ten years ago *smile*. Also, I've only been a mother for five years, four months, and eleven days and believe me, I cry out to him in my head many times during the course of a typical day in the McGinnis household. Sometimes those cries aren't so soft and private. I KNOW he hears me, I KNOW he wants what is best for me/us, and I KNOW he is always loving and good. That is sometimes all I have to dwell on......and he is faithful.

Being in his Word is important to me but I don't feel obligated to have a QT every morning. However, I believe that Scripture is powerful and life changing and important to memorize. I have always wanted to place index cards around the house in places of notice containing verses applicable to our family life. So, just imagine how grateful I am for the code writer who came up with this easy application - The ESV verse card maker. All I have to do is type in the scripture reference, print, and cut.

My first memory card has already been taped at eye level to the area above my kitchen sink. It goes like this:

You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. ~ Deuteronomy 6:7

How's that for a reminder?

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Yes, I was nodding my head in agreement! I feel like this alot lately.... and the verse you are memorizing -- a great reminder of the duty that we have to our children. I always love that one!