I've been thinking about this lately but I'm not sure how much thought my husband has given to the subject. It would be a good way to save money, though....that might win him over!
We don't have cable. The only time I ever had it was when we lived in Germany and DH was deployed. I got cable so I'd have at least some channel in English to get news that wasn't filtered by the American base. So in my 17 years of marriage, I've only had cable 2 1/2 of those. We don't miss it. We do have a digital converter box and get local channels. But we mainly watch PBS and movies on all three formats: VHS, DVD & Blueray. We love movies :). We're probably odd in that we only have one television in the house, too. Anyway, I don't see it as that big a thing, because we've never had it. DD is currently watching Martha Speaks on PBS, though :).
We turned ours off almost 3 weeks ago. At first it's been really weird not having that down time after the kids go to bed. I LOVE it now! Mark has found different sites to watch live tv online. I haven't used any of them yet. When our shows start thus fall I'll just watch them online.
My television in the den has "died" and I have not yet replaced it. I would love to get rid of my cable but - right now, I think I would miss (most)the TODAY show in the mornings. I only have one or two shows that I thoroughly enjoy watching - I may just do this! Your entry came at just the right time! Love you.
We recently made a big move across the country. We had cable included in our rent at our old place, and have nothing here! We have a tv hooked up to the dvd player, but we only watch movies (because we have yet to get the converter box!) It was weird at first, but we have found other things to occupy our time, and we actually talk more now without it ;)
My roommate and I don't have cable right now because we can't afford it. It isn't bad at all but I would love to get a converter box so we can get local channels and the news. I wouldn't mind getting cable just for football season though. Maybe there is a package where you can get all of the college football games only. :)
No cable here either. We had it when I was pregnant and on bedrest and canceled it when the babies came home. The babies watch PBS in the morning and then we have DVDs. I see cable as a huge waste of money, though I really miss some of the shows!
M and I have never had cable and have had a few "no television in the house" years. I think, for us the best set up is to have PBS (currently we need an antennae, we had PBS before we moved to GA, but don't have it now)and Netflix-we love that. And we sometimes watch movies and television programs on the computer. We both grew up watching lots and lots of TV. We also only have one TV and it is in our room. We would like to get another one for the playroom so the kids don't always have to be in our room to watch movies.
We don't have cable. The only time I ever had it was when we lived in Germany and DH was deployed. I got cable so I'd have at least some channel in English to get news that wasn't filtered by the American base. So in my 17 years of marriage, I've only had cable 2 1/2 of those. We don't miss it. We do have a digital converter box and get local channels. But we mainly watch PBS and movies on all three formats: VHS, DVD & Blueray. We love movies :). We're probably odd in that we only have one television in the house, too. Anyway, I don't see it as that big a thing, because we've never had it. DD is currently watching Martha Speaks on PBS, though :).
We turned ours off almost 3 weeks ago. At first it's been really weird not having that down time after the kids go to bed. I LOVE it now! Mark has found different sites to watch live tv online. I haven't used any of them yet. When our shows start thus fall I'll just watch them online.
My television in the den has "died" and I have not yet replaced it. I would love to get rid of my cable but - right now, I think I would miss (most)the TODAY show in the mornings. I only have one or two shows that I thoroughly enjoy watching - I may just do this! Your entry came at just the right time!
Love you.
We recently made a big move across the country. We had cable included in our rent at our old place, and have nothing here! We have a tv hooked up to the dvd player, but we only watch movies (because we have yet to get the converter box!) It was weird at first, but we have found other things to occupy our time, and we actually talk more now without it ;)
My roommate and I don't have cable right now because we can't afford it. It isn't bad at all but I would love to get a converter box so we can get local channels and the news. I wouldn't mind getting cable just for football season though. Maybe there is a package where you can get all of the college football games only. :)
No cable here either. We had it when I was pregnant and on bedrest and canceled it when the babies came home. The babies watch PBS in the morning and then we have DVDs. I see cable as a huge waste of money, though I really miss some of the shows!
M and I have never had cable and have had a few "no television in the house" years. I think, for us the best set up is to have PBS (currently we need an antennae, we had PBS before we moved to GA, but don't have it now)and Netflix-we love that. And we sometimes watch movies and television programs on the computer. We both grew up watching lots and lots of TV. We also only have one TV and it is in our room. We would like to get another one for the playroom so the kids don't always have to be in our room to watch movies.
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