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Friday, February 01, 2008

Sing Song

All of us were together in the van last night, headed to the mall for ice-cream. I heard Luke singing something but couldn't make out what it was. I listened a little harder and soon recognized the words and tune. It sounded "something" like this:

Hawa-woo, Hawa-woo, Hawa-woo, Hawa-woo, Hawa-woo-wa
Pwaise we a Wor!
Hawa-woo, Hawa-woo, Hawa-woo, Hawa-woo, Hawa-woo-wa
Pwaise we a Wor!

Then, the other night in his room before bedtime, I saw him making some hand motions while singing a little something like this:

Got so much, much, much, much, much
so much, much, so much, so much
Tankul for!

He is learning so many songs in school. It makes my heart feel good that his teachers are teaching him songs that praise our Father. So if you see us stopped at a red light making weird hand motions, we're probably singing a song led by our conductor, Luke.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

awe, how sweet. that brought a smile to my face