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Sunday, January 11, 2009

Pres WIC

Just returned home today from an overnight stay in Macon where First Presbyterian, PCA hosted our annual ladies WIC meeting. Again, I had so, so, so, so much fun. I love being around these women and meeting other ladies from the other 17 churches in our presbytery.

From left to right:
Heather is super friendly, organized, funny, and has an amazing singing voice.
Mary Ellen is genuine, caring, informative, and has a heart for the lost.
Missy is warm, sincere, hilarious, and simply fabulous!
Debbie is a lady of prayer, thanksgiving, and praise.
Sheila is the best hugger, a true lipstick queen, and life of the party (she's the cheerleader).
Susan has a contagious smile, a humble spirit, and a giving hand.

Thanks, Mom, for driving up to keep our children so we could both scoot away for the night!

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