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Thursday, September 11, 2008


Guess who FINALLY got a haircut?

Yes, folks. It's been four months since Luke had his last haircut. Why did we wait so long? Well, I kind of liked the length but the main reason we procrastinated was because EVERY time Luke has gotten in the salon chair, he has become combative. He ducks, throws his arms, screams, kicks his feet, and has gotten nicked once. So, it wasn't a battle worth fighting. Of course, this meant his hair was at its thickest during the hottest months of the year...but that was his choice. I can't make him be still, ya know?



I had to bribe, yes B-R-I-B-E, him with a giant bag of M&M's for this haircut to be successful. Candy is a powerful tool. I'm so glad God invented it.


Jen said...

Well, then while we are being honest and confessing, I too have been lurking on your blog!!! I LOVE Nicole! She was so wonderful and a great while I was on bedrest (which is where we met). She invited me to MOPS and I found your blog address in an email she sent me. I always love to meet people in my area. I have not made it to MOPS because I am scared senseless about getting out of the house with them alone (and getting them up that early) and it takes me an hour to get to "town". If it was just an 1/2 later! Or we lived closer!!! I too am getting a haircut today!!! I also found your blog in Jenn G. blog, who is cutting ALL my hair off today! I hope to meet you too one day!!! I LOVE your blog and your family is so cute!

Jen said...

Oh, may I add you to my Blog roll? :-)

The Zevacs said...

Jawan--my Luke is THE SAME way about haircuts...only candy does not persuade him. He just doesn't care. It's complete misery.

Pamela J Pierce, RDN, LD said...

Jawan, Terry used to take the boys out in the driveway and give them a buzz every summer. They got a lot of attention with them as everyone wanted to feel their heads. Nice do Luke. Jawan, you have to see the photos I posted today of my kids as babies. They are similar in age and birth order as yours. Oh, by the way, our youth girls "pillar group" is going to be in an upcoming issue of a WIC newsletter. Abbie will be in the picture but I was off speaking to someone when they took it.

Joni M said...

Hey what a handsome dude ya got there!!! You tell him I said he's got a really nice "do" now!!!

Joni M said...

sorry, should have added this to the one before--trigger finger is too happy today... Jawan--there isn't anything wrong with a good ole bribe every now and then...gotta do what you gotta do to git 'er done! Or as I recently saw, got 'er did!

Anonymous said...

He looks so GROWN UP! Isn't it amazing what a haircut can do? And candy, of course. :-)

Jenn said...

WOw!!! So grown up now!!! So cute.