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Saturday, December 29, 2007


I am very disappointed that I didn't take many pictures during our Christmas visit to Thomasville. I am usually snapping photos left and right. It didn't help that I left my battery charger at home. You'd think that with all the trips I made to Walmart that I would have thought to pick up a few Energizers! Anyway, the kids got way TOO much stuff but now I have more of a reason to purge all the old toys and rotate in the new. I ate way too much and slept less. What else is new? Oh yeah, happy new year!

Here's Luke and Andrew with their cousin, Emily (my sister's youngest). Emily and Andrew share the exact same birth date but four years apart. Crazy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I left my battery charger at home as well! Luckily we had 3 other cameras on hand. Can't wait to see you and catch up next week. Davina