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Friday, December 07, 2007

Kelly & Holly

I'm giving my cousin, Kelly, a free "plug" for her business. She and her husband live in Birmingham where she stays at home with her two small children and also keeps busy with her own graphic design business. She can design anything your mind can imagine so visit her website to see some of her work. Not to mention that you will find my friend Holly Tye's photography being used in some of Kelly's artwork. Click here to see some of Holly's photography.


~Mad said...

Okay, the world is too small! Kelly Cavin is s-i-l to the daughter of one of my bestest friends Rob. In fact, I am babysitting with "Nana" for them next week. So here I am on your blog reading about a friend of a friend of a friend. '

amy said...

Hey, I checked out their website--very nice! I'll remember that next time I order Maggie some stationary. I am that mean mom that still requires a thank you note to be written!

Libby said...

Thanks Jawan, I will make sure to check it out too!

and Amy,

Glad to know there are other "mean mommies" out there...we do thank yous as well.
