Luke has NEVER cooperated for a haircut. Because of that reason, we decided to splurg and try the new salon that caters only to children,
Pigtails and Crewcuts. Instead of the typical hair salon chair, the children sit in either an airplane, race car, cab, police vehicle, or a fire engine. Luke decided he wanted the fire engine because of its ringing bell. However, as soon as the buzzer started, he began arching his back and fighting. It took four adults to get his seat belt on, drape the cape, and hold him still. At one point, the stylist had to put him in a gentle headlock to keep from cutting him. Believe me, she was a great woman and very patient. I'm sure Luke wasn't their first screaming customer. Some say to take him more often so he'll get used to it while others say to let his hair grow as long as he can stand it before cutting it again. I know it will get easier....right?
This picture was taken before he saw the buzzer and clippers.

This is the result of determination.
Again, my Luke is the SAME way about haircuts....I've often wondered if we would even be successful going somewhere to get it cut. Our Lukes sound a lot alike....
My Colby Luke is the same way as well. It must be something about the name Luke (does it count if their middle name is Luke?). Colby just cries big old tears the whole time while I try to offer him M & M's or some other candy to try to take his mind off it. I've only had one time where he didn't cry during his haircut. Dalton has always loved having his hair cut though.
The only way Kim could keep Ellas calm was with a sucker. Talk about gross... sucker slobber and hair clippings. Ha.
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