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Monday, April 14, 2008

Money Laundering

Ok, I stole this idea from Megan over at, plumpudding. Click on the collage below for a larger view with details. The boys were itching for something to do inside this afternoon since it was suddenly too cold to play outside. Their cousin, Ella, has been playing with us two days of each week so she got in on the cleaning action, too. There are two FULL piggy banks in our house so I drug out the pennies for this project. The little ones soon lost interest after the bubbles began disappearing from their containers but Andrew stuck with the entire task, rinsing off his coins, scrubbing and drying them with a paper towel, and then laying them out in a "choo-choo line-up", as he called it. He is growing up. He is focused and finishes what he starts. I can't believe he's already four years old. *sniffle*sniffle*

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