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Friday, May 18, 2007

Nightlight & more

Andrew is STILL crying at his bedroom door when we walk out and close it at bedtime. He often cries that he's scared. There are two nightlights in his room but we figured they might not be bright, we took him to Lowe's tonight to buy him a brighter nightlight. I think it's way too bright for his room, shining right into Luke's crib but we're gonna try it for a while. Oh, and Andrew still cried at the door upon closing.....*sigh*.

So, after both of the boys fell asleep (around 8:45 p.m.), we were settling on the couch to get ready to watch a rented movie. We heard some loud talking outside our front door and opened it to find "those neighbor's kids". You know....those kids whose parents let them run loose in the neighborhood with no supervision. Here it was 9:00 at night and these kids were in our front yard, talking loudly outside of the boys' room. Mitch beat them to the doorbell and, upon opening, a little boy reached into his nasty backpack and then put out his hand,

Boy: "One cookie for you."
Mitch: "Thanks"
Boy: "That will be five dollars"
Mitch: "Nah, I ain't givin' you money for one cookie" (Mitch hands it back)

The boy takes the cookie back and starts to holler at his sister across our yard, but Mitch quickly intervened and firmly said, "Shhhhh! Be quiet! My kids are sleeping behind that window!"

I wonder how many other people were presented with the same cookie, accepted it, and then handed it back.

Who's the redneck now? Oh, I love my neighborhood.

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