Soccer season has come to an end and now it's time to take a break (yeah!). This was Andrew's second season while it was Luke's first. We think Andrew enjoyed soccer much more this year than last....and you could tell as you watched him play. He never stopped running the entire game and he scored MANY goals over their eight game schedule. When he scored, he would always lower his head and smile to the ground as he listened to the crowd clap and cheer for the team. I think he might have found his niche. I'm still in awe over how good he is on the field. But, more than his ability to learn and perform the game, I'm more proud when I see him help another, teammate or not, stand up after a hard fall. He'll even disregard the play of ball to make sure the fallen is on their feet and ready to play.
Please know that I'm not comparing my children....only seeing their sweet differences. 
Luke acquired the nickname of "soccer landscaper" during the season. Instead of being aggressive and going after the ball, he spent most of his time picking the weeds, kicking the dirt, poking the ant mounds, and looking up at planes as they took off and landed at the nearby airport. When we cheered for him and yelled his name, he would take off running - in any direction! He kept a great attitude about it all, despite that he spent much of his time never touching the ball.

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