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Saturday, August 13, 2011

A little girl has my heart

Abigail and I spent most of the morning together today, just the two of us. The area in our city known as Uptown has a Saturday morning market of sorts where all kinds of vendors line the sidewalks, selling their handmade/homegrown goods. As we strolled the booths, we crossed paths with many sculptures that stand on many corners and crossings along the way.

She asked, "Mama, take my picture with this boy and his dog."

Next, "Mama, watch me stick my tongue out like this little girl!"

Abigail held my hand as we stopped and tasted delights such as homemade granola, fresh loaf bread, natural honey, and petted a basket full of six week old kittens - free for the taking (we didn't take one, btw).

I treasured that two hours of time with her. My heart overflows with love for this child and I pray the time impacted her heart and reminded her of the deep love of our Father. Speaking of simple things and holding her on my hip reminded ME of an article I read last week. Here's just a snippet:

When girls are well-known by parents–both the best and the worst about them–they “dare” move close to their heavenly Father because they understand grace. It has been offered to them from childhood. And it all stems from listening to them–knowing them better than they know themselves, then caring deeply and intimately for their souls. This is what they most want. They will love you deeply for it.

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