My stay in the hospital has been fantastic. I love having my babies here and have always received the best care. I am in no pain (thanks to the wonderful drugs I've been given) and am enjoying this time. After undergoing a section, a mother has to stay four days and three nights so I've got one more to go before I enter back into "the real world". Our precious daughter is just that....precious. I can't believe I have a little girl.....oh my gosh, I have three children! Both of the boys favor me and my side of the family but I definitely think that our newest addition looks like her daddy's side of the family. Who would have guessed that I'd give birth to a black haired baby? She doesn't have the fair skin like the boys so maybe she'll be the one in the family who can enjoy the sunshine without getting burned. It's sweet to watch Mitch with her. He is the best father in the world!
After my doctor finished my surgery, he told me that the cord was wrapped around our daughter's neck three times so even if I had attempted the VBAC, as I had so desperately wanted, it would have eventually led to the OR due to probable fetal distress. She hadn't even dropped into my pelvis due to there being no slack in the cord for her to do so. That explains why she was always sitting so high as well as why I made no progress in the last few weeks of pregnancy. Also, the midwife told me that my uterus was so thin that it was transparent - not good. I asked if that would matter in regards to having more babies and it was recommended that I only have one more. The more sections a woman has, the thinner her uterus gets. Did you learn something new today? HA! So, I'll never get to try the VBAC like I wanted but I believe in the sovereignty of God. This delivery happened just as it was predestined to occur. The providence of God is a glorious thing. He is good.
how sweet! I can't wait to meet her...hope I can make it to the hospital, if not I'll see you at home- can't wait for our two girls to play together soon!
Hi, my friend.... just had a chance to check your blog! Wow! A lot can change in a week. She is beautiful, just like her Momma. Love you and miss you. Congrats!
Congrats! Glad to hear you all are doing well.
Welcome to the world of being outnumbered. It is a blast, until they realize that there are more of them than there are of you. Then it is pure anarchy. I love parenthood!
Jason and Susie
I love reading your blog and just wanted to tell you CONGRATULATIONS! Let me know how the 3rd child is.........we are considering.....
Girls are SO MUCH FUN!!!!! Congrats again and you guys are in our thoughts and prayers!
Sorry. I left my name off of my comment! Kelly Grady Thrift
Hey Jawan--there is certainly something to that "daddy and daughter" thing, I have a picture of Randy holding Kacie sleeping together pretty much like the shot of Mitch and Abigail. Hug her lots, before you know it she'll be off to kindergarten! Hugs to all of you! Love Joni
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