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Sunday, February 05, 2006

Bubble popping time

I really enjoy being with my church family. We spend a good amount of time with them on Sunday mornings and evenings. A few of them took us out to eat lunch after the service and then we all gathered tonight for a SuperBowl party. It's just fun to socialize and mingle with those who are like-minded. I think I get too comfortable in my "Christian-Bubble"....

....Yesterday, Mitch had a converstation with a gentleman who is one of our upstairs neighbors. He and his family are new to town (there's always someone moving in or out due to this being a huge military area) but are living in the apartment for a short time while also making a house payment on their home up north. Anyway, the house they own was burglarized this past week so he, the father/husband, hopped on a plane this morning to get back and see to the matter. While speaking with Mitch in passing yesterday in the parking lot, he mentioned that he needed a place for his kids to stay in the afternoons when they return from school while he's gone, only until his wife was home from work each day. Mitch told him that we'd be glad to help out in any way. My thoughts? "Am I gonna have any help in the afternoons if he takes you up on your offer?" Was I really glad to offer my help? No. To be honest, I only thought of myself. I want my afternoons to be the normal afternoons I was used to with only my two children and no more. I want to do what I want to do on my time, without tending to someone else's needs. I mean, I have errands to run and things to mark off on my TO DO list! I want, I want, I want...blah, blah, blah.....How selfish of me. I didn't even care if the family were Believers or how I might be able to minister to them. How thankful I am that my Father doesn't think that way about me. I'm a worm. I'm glad the Savior desires to expose my sin, show me His way(s), and pop my bubble.

1 comment:

Crissy said...

Shut up Jawan. I need no more conviction for today, thank you.