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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Please tell me I'm Caller #3!

I only listen to the radio when I'm in the car and it's usually tuned to talk radio of some sort. However, Andrew was with me in the car last night while running an errand and I wanted him to hear Christmas music instead of political banter. So, I found a clear station but was disappointed to hear advertisement after advertisement. Finally, just as the music was about to begin, the DJ announced that he was giving away a family prize pack of four to attend the local IMAX showing of The Polar Express. I memorized the number and began dialing....busy signal....busy signal...busy signal....ring, ring, ring!

: "Hello, and what's your name?"
: "Oh, please, please, please tell me I'm caller #3!"
: (laughing) "Well, I just asked for your name but, yes, you are the winner!"
: "My kids will be thrilled! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

He didn't record the phone conversation and for that I'm so thankful! I was afraid the DJ would ask, "What station just made you and your family a winner?", because I wouldn't have known unless I looked down at the call numbers on my digital dial. He did say my name on the air as the winner of the prize pack.

This is just the perfect treat for our family. For many months now, we've been telling the boys were were going to take them to see Peter Pan but the day shows have been booked up for a long time and the evening shows are $38 ticket seats! Mitch and I knew that wasn't an option but we hated disappointing the boys since they had been looking forward to an evening with Mom and Dad for so long. Andrew's favorite movie of all time is THE POLAR EXPRESS, so you can imagine his delight when I won this prize pack!

See you at the IMAX next weekend!


heather said...

That is so fun! Enjoy!

chad and chrissy said...

Yeah! That is so exciting.

The Montgomery Family said...

Congrats! I've never seen it...I should put in on Netflix :-)

KIM said...


Jenn said...

that is so awesome!