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Thursday, October 22, 2009

I don't know how to title this post - make one up: POEM! (yeah, that's it).

Today has been a difficult one,
but I will sleep the night away.
For tomorrow I must rise early
to be rid of son's tooth decay

Little Stomach Bug visited our house -
But now he's with our friends.
The swine flu scare is on the news -
Oh, I want it all to end!

I see my plate in front of me
and can't imagine eating more.
My pillow screams for me to rest
while my feet run out the door.

Assessment time took place today -
I'm so glad that it is done.
My numbers really weren't that great -
This aging thing ain't much fun.

My eyes blink yellow, yellow, yellow,
but my mind reads only green.
If I don't stop and get more sleep
I think I'm gonna scream!

Leno's already come and gone -
Now Fallon is making me laugh.
I'm writing lesson plans this time of night
for the sub who's teaching my class.

So, as I finish typing this rhyme,
the clock reads one a.m.
I haven't learned a lesson here -
Is there an hour 24 can lend?


BKicklighter said...

Bravo! Bravo!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry Jawan. Can I do anything to help?

amy said...


Melissa said...

Encore, encore!