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Friday, July 14, 2006

Pirates, Roly-Polies, and stuff

Just took some cute pictures that I wanted to share.

Andrew loves to hunt for Roly Polies....especially when the grass is wet and they ermerge from the soil. I'm trying to teach him to be gentle when he picks them up and transfers them from fingers to bowl, for they are easily crushed. He is learning but a few always end up dead in the process. This is the largest his collection has ever been!

I'm convinced that Chick-Fil-A has the best toys in their kid's meals than any other fast food joint; however, I must say that McDonald's gave out a winner this go round. They are promoting the new movie sequel, Pirates of the Caribbean (which we haven't seen yet but will soon, for sure, thanks to Chad and Chrissy), and gave pirate bandanas in their happy meals. Andrew has been wearing it around the house but Luke wanted to give piracy a try.

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