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Thursday, April 27, 2006

Our new house

Tonight is our first official night in the "new" house. It's almost midnight and I'm staring at boxes of stuff sitting around me throughout the house. So much to do....glad that my mother is coming tomorrow for the weekend! Mitch and I had a neat time putting Andrew to bed tonight because, you see, it was not only his first night in his new bedroom but also his first night in the big bed with a bedrail as well as his first night sharing a room with his little brother. We feared it all might be too much transition at one time, but Andrew fared well. The monitor is on high so I can hear any little bit of movement before one wakes the other up. It's so nice to be in a house and out of an apartment where you can hear everything. My friend Amber is also moving out of an apartment into a house with her husband and two boys. Amber, isn't it wonderful? The only thing about moving that I hate is the cleaning up...especially scrubbing the refrigerator, floors, tubs, and sinks. Not to mention packing all the little items of things that don't really have a place anywhere....that would be related to my "random piles" post a few weeks back. Well, here's a picture of our cute little house with the HUGE fenced in backyard - Mitch almost came home with a Beagle puppy the other day since we now have a place for one. He knows that the kind of dog that I want. However, I don't think a dog is a good idea right now so I'm glad he decided against it. Email me if you need our new address!


amy said...

We will be in Columbus next weekend! We also have a beagle-she's 1 1/2--Maggie named her Spots.

Amber said...

Jawan, I am so happy for you. Your house is beautiful! We will be moving at the end of May. You are absolutely right about the little things that have no place! Ugh, and cleaning up. It's amazing how much grime 2 little boys and a mom and dad can generate. I am trying to spend the weekends leading up to the move to get organized; so far 2 loads junk have gone to Goodwill. We'll see if I can get completely organized in one more month. The one thing I like about moving is that you can use it as an opportunity to get rid of extra junk. Hope you get all your boxes unpacked and organized. Congratulations and enjoy!!