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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Day 33

Can I just be a proud mommy for a moment?

Not because he won.

Not because he finished.

But because he enjoyed it....

Wow.....Andrew completed his first triathlon this past Saturday and he enjoyed it immensely! When he finished, he asked, "When can I do that again, Mama?". Mitch "called it" and said Andrew was gonna fall in love with the sport.

Andrew said his favorite part of the race was the bike portion. As much as he rides his bike at home and swims every day of summer, I can't say I was surprised that he did well in those legs but I was surprised that he placed first in both! His hardest portion was the running - it was the last of the three legs of the race...he was exhausted, I'm sure. I mean, who likes to run (hush, Davina!)?

We were super proud of him and we were super amazed to read the results that he won his age group! Way to go, Andrew!

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