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Friday, June 10, 2011

Day 19

Swam again today - I think my kids are turning into prunes.

This time Jennifer and her daughter came along - we had a blast! I'm so thankful for A's friendship to my children. They truly treasure each other.

After swimming, they found great fun with an old Spirograph. This old set came from an elderly couple in our church who were purging their shelves and gave this to our family. What a fantastic treat!

Finally, I traveled with Jennie to cross the state line into Alabama to pick up her oldest from camp. He sang and told stories from camp most of the way home. He said the only thing he missed while away was his bed. Other than that, he felt like he was at home and with family. What a huge and wonderful statement! I'll be taking one of my children back to this same camp in a few holds such a special place in our hearts!

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