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Wednesday, February 02, 2011


This blog is being neglected.

It has EVERYTHING to do with the fact that I returned to "work" this past Fall after being home with my children for six years. It's been a blessing in many, many, many ways but I'd be lying if I said it's been an easy transition.

Sooooo.....having said that.....

I wish I could afford to print all the posts I've written (the important ones about family and inner thoughts....not the cheesy ones about deals and videos), have them bound, and then place the final book on my shelf with my other keepsakes.

Then, I could shut this thing down.


AmberV said...

In case my two cents counts, don't shut it down. So what if you can't write in everyday or as much as you used to. You can still write occasionally when something significant happens. It's the easiest way to journal. I don't even keep photo albums. I use the blog as my photo album and journal and then get a book printed each year. And you know you enjoy looking back at the things you wrote to remember those special events. Just saying....

heather said...

You have to do what works for you and for where life is at for you, but I just want you to know that it was your blog that God used to help us know that Westminster was the church for us when we were in GA. I believe that He led us there.

It was such a blessing to arrive, go to church and know it was where we needed to be. It was like having family and we needed it so much. I will always be thankful for that.