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Monday, April 26, 2010

This past week in pictures

I take so many pictures. I delete a lot but I love browsing through them and remembering the moment, even if that moment was just watching my children eat their afternoon snack together in peace. Here are just a few pictures of our life this past week.

Planting seedlings in egg cartons. They are still alive and have been replanted in a larger pot. I guess I have a minimal green thumb.

Eating lunch every Monday, just daughter and mom.

Hunting bugs for our "bug playground".

Hunting for more bugs.

Watching the birds in our backyard feeder.

Eating pistachio nuts in the yard.
This photo is weird.
Why is Abigail wearing her arm floats?

Climbing the neighbor's fence.
Sorry, Jamie!

We have a few tadpoles that we're watching daily
to see when they're gonna sprout their legs.
I'm just surprised they are still alive.

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