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Monday, January 31, 2011

iTunes has me whipped

I received an iTunes giftcard for Christmas and I'm officially hooked. I can't stop browsing the artists and have spent the entire balance on the card in just one sitting. Just thought I'd share some of my favorite artists with 'cha (in no particular order):

The Decemberists
Sarah Jarosz
Rosie Thomas

Audrey Assad
She & Him
Iron & Wine
Patty Griffin
Friction Family
Pocket Full of Rocks
Band of Horses
Ray Lamontagne

Jason Walker
Brooke Fraser
Kari Jobe

Matt Wertz
Kate Rusby
Desperation Band
Over the Rhine
Amy Courts
The Dimes

I'm not sure of the history of some of these artists/bands but they have at least one song that I really like. I know....that's scary.

I will say that I heard most of these artists for the first time on Pandora as I would stay up late editing pictures. If I heard a song and liked the artists, I looked them up on iTunes. It's a great way to let "something else" pick similar sounds for you rather than browsing around and spending time doing it yourself.

I think that's all for now....go to iTunes now and listen to the demos!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Grillin' with friends

A friend's father needed help moving into his new house.
So, we lent our husbands to lift heavy objects up stairs.
Our new friend invited all the families over to grill out.
We gathered and ate, laughed, and watched basketball.
Another Saturday well spent.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

7 Quick Takes

Just some notes I joted down in this little brain of mine:

1. While looking in a book for children on the anatomy of the human body, Luke (age 5 yr) gazed at the picture of an actual heart and it's labels. After reminding him that God made our bodies and that our heart actually looks like the one in the picture, Luke said, "No it doesn't. The heart in the book doesn't have Jesus in it like mine."
Giggling and crying as I typed that....

2. At bedtime tonight, I pressed the play button on Abigail's CD player for her routine roundup of Michael Card...but, for the first time ever, she made a request for something different: Chris Rice. I obliged.

3. Speaking of Chris Rice, Andrew wants to know why he sings a song about smelling the color nine. I explained it to him later. He now gets it.

4. When in Auburn, AL, this past weekend, I stopped at a busy red light to wait my turn to proceed. Looking to my right, a large (LARGE!) deer waltzed out of the brush next to the street and looked at me before stooping to eat the grass. It was eerie. Strange. Weird. Alabama....

5. One of the deacons in our church is very tall. At small group Sunday night, he was referred to as "the church bouncer" since he's the GO-TO guy when a man is needed on Sunday mornings to care for unexpected visitors in great need. We were reading Mark 1:16-45.

6. I noticed Sunday morning during Sunday School that the fire code for our church/school fellowship hall only allows for 51 persons in the room at a time. Oops.

7. Seems I do most of my mental note taking on Sundays.....

Monday, January 24, 2011

100 days

Colossians 3:17 And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.

Last week, the entire school celebrated the "100th day of school". As a graded project, my son Andrew was instructed to come up with his own idea of representing the number 100 to his class. I gave him a framed stretched canvas and he began searching the house and hunting drawers/corners for all those plastic toy pieces that usually infest any house with young children. You know, those toys that come in birthday goodie bags, from the pizza place when you redeem your arcade tickets, etc. Yeah, I'm glad he found a use for them because I was about to throw most of these things away!

We had fun putting this project together. Besides helping him with the hot glue gun from time to time, he found the objects and placed them on the canvas. I was proud of his accomplishment and I could tell that he was excited to present it to his class.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

This house is cold!

The heat is out in our home. I remember waking this morning and saying to Mitch, "It feels unusually cold in the house." We both checked the thermostat and then the Weather Channel. The temperature at the time was 32 degrees outside so we chalked up the cold house to the colder outdoor temps, thinking it would warm up at the day progressed.

I left mid morning to shoot a wedding in Auburn but got a phone call from Mitch just before the ceremony started: "It's cold in this house because the heater is broken. Someone's coming out in a little bit to look at it and possibly fix the thing." When I got home this afternoon, Mr. Heater was at our house assessing the situation. Seems the board is broken and the part won't be available (hopefully) until Monday, two days from now.

So, the kids are double layered, all the beds are weighed down with extra blankets, and I can still hear small pops from the fireplace. I'm gonna snuggle extra close to the preacher man tonight. I hope he doesn't mind cold toes.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Planning of sorts

I decided to start menu planning. I mean, gosh....I've only been married for 11 years and am six & a half years into motherhood. Starting now makes sense, I guess (I crack myself up). Tonight, Mitch is giving me two hours ALONE to leave the house and do whatever I want to do. Menu planning will be one of the things I do as I sit alone at the coffee house. Another? Maybe I'll just sip and listen to the music on my iPod. Or, maybe I'll go pick a friend's daffodils to put in my kitchen. Wait, I might browse the bargain books at Barnes & Noble. Better yet, can I just take my pillow?

I don't listen

My friend, Heather, tells me all the time that I need to go to bed earlier or else I'll die at an early age. I wish I would listen to her.

My friend, Jennifer, tells me that there are some things that can wait until morning to accomplish. She's right. I wish I would listen to her.

My friend, Leslie (who is also my "boss" since she's the school principal), always tells me to go home instead of staying late at work everyday. I wish I would listen to her.

My husband tells me often that I need to cut down on my responsibilities. I have listened to him - but as soon as I shorten my TO DO list, I add something else to it.

It's 2:57 AM....and I haven't learned a thing, have I?

Monday, January 17, 2011


I think I might just have to purchase this once it's released on DVD. AMAZING!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Happy 40th, Mitch!

My husband just celebrated his 40th birthday! For a party of sorts, we gathered at a local pub and ate dinner with sweet friends from church....because being surrounded by friends is right where Mitch wants to be.

Eating at The Cannon Brew & Pub is a delight!

We had a private section upstairs for our noisy bunch. It was so much fun watching everyone mingle, swap seats, laugh, and share food.

Mitch shows off his birthday present from me - a pair of brown Sketchers that HE picked out.

We were visited by a ballerina....she even had her shoes with her. Seriously, Allison was hurting after this attempt at stretching.

Kristen steals a quick kiss from Brandon's cheek. Sitting across from these newlyweds was hilarious. They always make us laugh. Go Kansas!

Ummmm.....half of a photo fail, thanks to the pastor. "Hey Ira and Liz! Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!"

Well, if you knew this couple, you'd automatically know why this picture is blurry. They are a barrel of true laughter, often unable to contain themselves - like tonight, for example.

Jennie explains trigonometry and calculus to her peeps. HA! Just kiddin'....she's just telling them about something she just finished sewing. I need to take lessons from her!

Ryan and Beth....getting married in 2 months!

They told us soon after this picture was taken that they were going to eat fast and then head home to watch The Social Network....nerds. Love ya, Robin and Philip!

Chrissy and Chad just found out they are having a baby boy! They are ecstatic! The ultrasound pictures were passed around as Chad kept grinning from ear to ear. It's about time we have some more boys in our church. The girls have them far outnumbered!

Mitch, I could write sooooooo much here but know that I love you deeply. So glad God gave us each other....I'd rather be with you than be with anyone else in the world. Some of my favorite moments with you are the times when we are alone in the car listening to Keller, Chandler, or Driscoll preach. Our words are rich as we talk about how God is weaving the gospel in our lives - in our marriage, our parenting, and friendships. Thank you for leading me, loving me, and pushing me to Christ. You are an amazing father whom our kids adore. Babe, I find joy in serving and helping you. May God give you another rich 40 years, plus more.

....because that's how we roll.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Can I just say how much I LOVE this article?

If you are a parent, you must read this!

Funny kid

She's got some spunk, I tell ya.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Tigers won!

Luke prepared to watch the action!

Andrew sipped on a celebratory hot chocolate before the game.

One day, after a win, we're gonna show the kids Toomer's Corner and what it's all about.


AFTER a win

Here's a time lapse video to show you how massive the celebration at Toomer's Corner.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Not that you asked.....

Our house is full of excitement tonight.

Andrew can hardly sit still.

Mitch is a huge Georgia Tech fan.

I was raised a UGA bulldog.

However, tonight we will be yelling:


Snow day = NO SCHOOL!

School was canceled today due to the weather.....YAY! We only got an inch....of ice, that is. The snow just wasn't thick enough to make the snow angel Abigail was hoping to make. Although I was hoping for more accumulation, we weren't disappointed to find the blanket of snow and get out and play a little bit. We even got brave and ventured out for lunch! That ice was scary!

No, No....and again, no.

At different times during our morning at church yesterday, three close friends asked me the same question:

"Jawan, are you pregnant?....because Abigail announced in Sunday school this morning that you were going to have a baby."

She's just desperate for a roommate.

Friday, January 07, 2011

Funny Friday

Our kids

.....they are growing up. Typing that brings me both joy and sadness. I love watching them do their thing everyday - being with them is my favorite place to be. I also know that as each day passes, I am closer to a physical death - meaning, that I won't be alive to see all the days of their lives. Selfish of me? Maybe... probably.... yeah.

They have always enjoyed sitting at any table together to paint. I hope that this is a deep memory of their childhood because watching their minds and hands create (anything!) is pure happiness.

They each have a collection of stuffed dogs. One night before watching a movie, I told them to go get their one to two favorite stuffed animals (I knew they would most likely fall asleep). All three returned with their dogs!

Wow....look how big he is!
He's growing............FAST!
I can't keep up with him.
He's full of energy and can't be still!

Slurping on a latte....

Licking the bowl from Mom's cupcakes.

A boot, a dog, and a cute little girl.

Mr. Cowlick.
The hair stylist counted 9 cowlicks
last week when she trimmed him up.

Puzzles occupied a lot of our time
over the Christmas holidays.

Monday, January 03, 2011

Ask me come February

I want - AND NEED - to be in God's Word. Did I forget to include the word "more" at the end of that sentence? Nope. Simply stated, it's been difficult to read my Bible during this journey called motherhood. So. So. So. Hard.

Keeping it simple:
This is the Bible reading plan I'll be using this year. I have no plans to keep a journal of my readings, take notes on what I read, or discuss with another what I've read (all those things are great but I have no expectations to do those things) - my only plan is to my own pace. Praise God that he delights in me and wants to feed me with his living Word!

I've never been consistent in reading the Bible but I've never thought for one moment that the Lord held my inconsistency over my head. Guilt isn't a good word to describe how I feel when I go long (and I mean LONG!) stretches of time without opening my Bible (do Sundays count?) - rather, I just miss the intimacy with Jesus.

So, ask me how I'm doing come February.

Really....ask me.

Sunday, January 02, 2011

Today was delightful!

We have two more days left of holiday break. AHHHHHHH!!!!! As much as I LOVE my job, I have enjoyed being home with my family and spending time with my kids. Church was refreshing this morning - we sang some new songs, saw some new faces, spoke with old friends, listened to the Word preached, conversed in Sunday School, and was reminded of the cross - the goodness of God.

After eating out with friends from church, we realized we had the rest of the afternoon "off" since our small group hasn't started back yet. We took our time and just meandered around the shopping area before remembering that Luke had a gift card he had been waiting to spend. Off we went to ToysRUs where he settled on a $5 item! He's affordable, I tell ya!

I am usually the one behind the camera but Mitch is becoming quite the photographer with that new iPod Touch of his. He caught Luke and the rest of us as the hunt was about to start.

We came home around 4:00 and all slipped into our PJs! We then took the Christmas tree down, packed away decorations in the attic, and gathered around the table for a meal of breakfast for dinner. What a delightful family night!

Saturday, January 01, 2011

Happy New Year

It's a new day.....actually, as I type this, we're only 34 minutes into the first (and new) day of 2011. I journal-ed last night for the first time in two months (it's taken me four years to fill up one journal and that's a sad fact considering I used to fill up two journals per year). I don't have any huge thoughts to share about this past year. It's been a rather easy and joyful one. That's not to say that I don't look back and see how great my sin is.....but that I can also look back and see how gracious my Father is.

I think the hardest parts of 2010 were watching my little boy be wheeled into surgery, losing a dear friend to a physical move that created miles of distance between us, and watching close friends lose a child or are in difficult marriages. There are so many highlights I can reflect upon: God gave my brother and sister-in-law a new baby, our family traveled quite a bit, I am part of a wonderful church family, and I have the privilege of belonging to my dear husband and children.

I'm not one to make resolutions (at least not publicly....that way, you don't know if I failed - which I usually do) but what I do want to see change in my heart is a trust for the Lord. A life that doesn't live in fear. Things are so good and have been so good for a long time that I don't want to ponder, sit, and wait for the tragic to happen. That's my heart....I struggle with doubt. God has revealed my idols to me! I want to live as a daughter of the most high God and accept his grace to trust Him more - no matter what He brings my way. Typing this makes me cry - for the right and wrong reasons. I cry because I fear what He may choose to bring to me but the tears flow because I know He is always good.

May the Lord make his face to shine upon you in 2011 - no matter what he brings your way.